Help Esperanza pursue her dream of becoming an RN

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Esperanza's Success Update

Esperanza decided to join Reason to Give for a 2nd year because she wanted to continue to work on her confidence, motivation, and prenting skills. Perhaps most beneficial for Esperanza this time around was the motivation to stay in school. At the beginning of the program, she was considering dropping out for a while because times were tough financially, but with the help of Reason to Give and her network, Esperanza stayed in school and will finish her degree in nursing. 

Esperanza's RTG Story

Esperanza first came to Reason to Give a little unsure of herself and her future, but knowing she wanted to accomplish big things. She had all the motivation, but lacked the support and direction she needed to advance her education and career in the field of nursing. Through Reason to Give, Esperanza has gained a valuable network of professionals and peers that will be instrumental in her ongoing success. She accomplished what she set out to in the beginning, to soak up as much knowledge as possible and learn a little about a lot. She describes her experience with Reason to Give as invaluable and has already reenrolled in our fall program.

Esperanza's Success Story

Since graduation, Esperanza has enrolled in the Licensed Practical Nursing program at Malcolm X College, for which she needs only 6 more credits until she can start working as an LPN.  She plans to continue her education, while working, to get her Bachelor’s in Nursing, eventually hoping to work as an RN for Rush Hospital. Esperanza has also changed her eating habits and adopted a healthier lifestyle. 

How You Helped

Without the support of the Reason to Give volunteer facilitators, all the knowledge and tools Esperanza gained wouldn't have been possible. Esperanza was particularly grateful for the healthy living, financial literacy and education related classes.